April 5, 2013

Who I was

 This is me. An obese 25 yr old plagued with a rare disease...but I'll get to that part later. In order for this story to really come to life we must go back in time (just a few years) to who I WAS.

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This is me. I am 21 and I couldn't feel better about myself or life! I used to be a very self conscious, obese girl in Jr. High; but I put in the work, lost the extra weight and haven't gained any back in several years! I know I'll always be this healthy because I take care of myself and put forth the effort.

I am a joyful person who smiles and laughs a lot (people tell me that I shine), and why wouldn't I? I am so grateful to God for who He has made me to be and I finally have the confidence to be that person. I feel a freedom to be myself because I am no longer ashamed of who I am like I used to be in school. Now I am passionate about life.

What am I passionate about exactly? I love people...LOVE people. I want to help others feel like the treasures that they are, especially those who feel so alone, because I've been there. I want to be that little bit of sunshine in their day that gives them an extra 'oomph' to keep going. I want to be there for them and listen to them and cry with them and laugh with them because I believe they are worth it. I want them to know that they are worth it.

My compassion for people is partially why I'm going to school to become a cosmetologist. Imagine all those lives and all those stories I get to be apart of! Besides my love of playing with hair and geometry, I'm also in it for the adventure! No day will ever be the same as the next.

My life is great, and it's just going to keep on getting better! I'm not perfect by any means, but I am doing things, "the right way."

Nothing can stop me....right?

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