April 9, 2013

September 2011 (1)

I went to the naturalpath and I really like her! She talked with me for about an hour and a half (just talking) about the problems I have been having. She was surprised at what the other doctors were telling me to do. She said that flushing out my system in that way would cause it to be more irritated. Finally someone who cares enough to listen and figure out the source of my problems!

She said that my thyroid is swollen, but she's not too concerned about that right now. She could feel that my intestines are extremely inflamed. She really believes that the swelling and pain is caused by food allergies. She ordered a lab test to see how I respond to the top 100 foods that cause allergies.

While we're waiting for those results she put me on a strict diet of no grains, sugars, honey, dairy, red meat, corn, or potatoes. She also gave me a drink mix that helps decrease intestinal inflammation.

I am so happy that I am finally figuring out what's wrong and I am going to be well soon!

This stuff doesn't taste half bad!

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